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Using the Mouse To Select Text
To select a word or phrase:
Step 1: Place the Cursor at the beginning of the text you would like to select.
Step 2: Hold down the "left mouse button" and move the mouse (drag) over the text you want to select.
Step 3: Release the mouse button and the text is selected.

Shortcut to Select a Single Word
Step 1: Double Click the word using the "left mouse button".

Using the Mouse & Keyboard together.
Step 1: Position the Cursor at the beginning of the text you would like to select.
Step 2: Hold down the "Shift" key
Step 3: Position the mouse at the end of text you would like to select and press the "left mouse button".

To Select Text Vertically (Block Select):
This technique is very useful, especially for selecting a block of text that is formatted using tabs instead of a table.
Step 1: Position the mouse pointer to left of the block of text you would like to select
Step 2: Hold down the "ALT" key, Hold down the "left mouse button" and drag the mouse over the text you like to select
Step 3: Release both the "ALT" key and the mouse button and the text is selected
If you are not comfortable dragging the mouse, try this alternative method.
Step 1: Position the cursor to the left of the block of text you would like to select
Step 2: Hold down both the "ALT" and "Shift" key
Step 3: Point & click the left mouse button at the end of the block of text you would like to select to complete the selection.
Vertically Selected Text
Without using Vertical select, the text would be selected as illustrated below (if not formatted in a table).
Same text selected without using vertical select
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